“We are committed to our city, we are committed to our neighborhood, 我们正在把我们的资源和能力投入到改善威尼斯人网上娱乐社区儿童及其家庭生活的工作中.” — Drake University President Marty Martin upon the opening of the 格雷戈里 & 苏西·格雷泽·伯特俱乐部 on Aug. 23, 2019.
Located on the southwest corner of 25th Street and Forest Avenue, the 格雷戈里 & 苏西·格雷泽·伯特俱乐部 只有第二个男孩吗 & Girls Club in the nation located on a private college or university campus. In addition to providing kids and teens in our community with a safe, supportive place to be after school and during the summer, 俱乐部为威尼斯人网上娱乐的学生提供了大量的教育和服务机会,并进一步将威尼斯人网上娱乐与周围社区融为一体.
X信息技术服务办公室致力于为威尼斯人网上娱乐提供一个强大和互联的技术环境. ITS recently completed two hy-flex classrooms, which allow simultaneous in-person and remote instruction. 也, as part of the Meredith revitalization, ITS在6间教室中升级了技术,并实施了增强的网络设计,包括48个新的无线接入点,以提高整个建筑的覆盖范围. ITS还在艾利伯大厅安装了额外的接入点,以扩大无线网络覆盖范围. The University’s robust infrastructure continues to outperform its targets. Since the beginning of 2022, critical systems have been available more than 99.55% of all hours and have exceeded performance targets more than 99.86%的时间.
XDrake alumnus John Lorentzen, BN ’77, AS ’77, 其配偶彭尼·菲尔默(Penney Fillmer)在2017年底向威尼斯人网上娱乐提出挑战,要求其加大对可持续实践的承诺. 应对挑战, 威尼斯人网上娱乐的设施规划和管理团队确定了几个项目,这些项目将减少大学的碳足迹,并为威尼斯人网上娱乐节省40多美元,000 annually in energy costs. These projects included a new lighting system in the Knapp Center, the installation of LED lights across campus, and solar panels on the Tennis Center, which are scheduled to be installed this summer. 感谢洛伦岑夫妇慷慨的配对礼物以及校友和朋友们的支持, Drake fully secured the funds needed to make these projects a reality. 结果是 of this shared vision, Drake is one step closer toward achieving its carbon reduction goal.
X设施规划和管理继续将可持续性作为优先事项,为我们的车队增加了五辆福特E-Transit货车. These vans are 100% electric and will help Drake reduce our carbon footprint. Fun Facts about the new E-Vans:
o Lower maintenance costs, as much as 40% less than gasoline-powered vans
o Certified as a zero-tailpipe emissions vehicle
o 电池(400V锂离子)位于车身下方,以最大限度地增加货物空间,并提供126英里的航程
布伦特和黛安·斯雷与威尼斯人网上娱乐合作创建了斯雷社会正义基金, which is directed by Professor Renee Cramer. This is the first formal organization on campus dedicated to social justice issues. Slay的慷慨为众多学生提供了体验式学习机会,并将威尼斯人网上娱乐与得梅因社区非营利机构联系起来. Through support from the Slay’s, 法学教授布伦特·帕蒂森(Brent Pattison)获得了一笔赠款,以支持一个名为#KnowJustice的创新项目, 威尼斯人网上娱乐法学院的学生通过艺术向需要帮助的年轻人传授他们的公民自由. 来自威尼斯人网上娱乐法学院法律诊所的志愿者为学校政策研讨会提供便利, 少年法庭, 和移民, 并鼓励孩子们通过艺术表达自己,说明他们对所学知识的理解.